Camporee Invitation for Webelos

Attention Pack 843 Webelos I and Webeos II scouts:  Are you ready to get out there and do some camping?  It’s time for the Fall Camporees!  You have been invited to attend two camporees this year.  This is a great chance to meet and camp with each Troop.

Troop 248 Fall CamporeeSept. 30-Oct 2nd at Camp Bucoco, BSA Moraine Trails Council (12 miles north of Butler, PA.)  THEME:  “THE PATROL GAMES”:     a series of games and contests where patrols will need to cooperate and work as a team to complete FallCamporeeeach task as effectively and quickly as possible.  Patrols will need to use basic “Scoutcraft” skills of first aid, lashing & rope work, fire building, compass & directions, and teamwork to complete the events.  For more information view the flyer, and contact Scoutmaster Tom Taylor.

Troop 2 Frontier District Fall Camporee October 7-9 at Providence Plantation (Evans City).
The living history interpreters at Providence Plantation depict the experiences of revolutionary men and women who struggled and achieved American liberty on the Upper Ohio Valley frontier before colonials in the east were forced by events to fight for the same freedom from the tyranny of Great Britain (late 1700s). Come join us for the weekend as we camp on a private 60-acre site and interactively learn about the history of our region and practice Scouting Skills.  For more information view the flyer, and contact Webelos Liaison Mark Gubinsky.