April Pack meeting – Bike Rally and Scouting for food

For our pack meeting this month, we’ll be meeting at the Hendersonville Pavilion at Hendersonville Park On April 23rd at 1:30 PM. Please see the location here:


The pack meeting will start at 2:00, but we’ll gather early to gather everyone’s food they collected for Scouting for Food. The pack meeting will have our usual announcements, advancements that the scouts have earned, then we’ll talk about bicycle safety, and then go for a ride on the nearby Montour Trail! Please make sure to bring water for the ride and if you want it afterward. After we all get back from our ride, the pack will provide an ice cream treat for everyone, so please sign up to let us know how much to get! Hope to see you there!

Click here to sign up!

Please also see this flyer on the food we can collect for the Scouting for Food project. We’ll collect shelf-stable food for our local community food bank.