Reminder: Fall Picnic Tomorrow & Popcorn orders Due…

Looking for all Scouts and families to join us for our Fall Picnic (October Pack Meeting) tomorrow at Boys Home Park.  Festivities began at 3pm.  Activities will include:  Opening ceremony, Award presentation, great food, hayride and games.  Also, tomorrow is Popcorn Order turn-in.  Caterina Massimino will be collecting your order forms and money from your door-to-door popcorn sales.  If you have Popcorn Sales, the forms NEED to be turned in tomorrow!  If you are unable to make the picnic BUT have sales to turn in, please contact me today to arrange a drop-off time. I can be reached by txt at 412-780-9757.

If your scout sold $700 of popcorn (combined total of Show-n-sell and door-to-door sales) then he is eligible to throw a whipped cream pie at the Cubmaster at the picnic!

See you at the Picnic!!!