Hoagie Sale

We are having another Hoagie Sale.  This fundraiser is designed exclusively for the Cub Scouts’ personal account.  For every hoagie sold, the Scout will earn $3.00.  This money will be deposited directly into their scout account.  These funds can be utilized for Day or Resident Camp, Pack Dues, or any other scout-related activities throughout the year.

This year we are getting our hoagies from Shop n Save in Heidelberg.   Everyone I talked to said these hoagies were REALLY good!  They are 12” hoagies.  We can offer a choice of Deluxe Italian, Ham, Roast Beefor Turkey, at $6.50.  Each hoagie comes with lettuce, tomato and dressing packaged separately.  PLEASE ASK FOR MONEY AT THE TIME OF ORDERING. These are two forms you will need:  Sheet and Hoagie Summary Sheet. The order form is for taking orders and the Summary Sheet is the sheet to return with one check made payable to Pack 843.

Important Dates: 

When can I start selling?  TODAY!

When and where can I turn in my form and check?  

Wednesday, 4/6/16 – Orders and Money collected at Den Meeting at South Fayette Elementary School

Where and when do I pick up my order?

Wednesday, 4/20/16 – Hoagies MUST to be picked up at the Den Meeting at Elementary School.  If you cannot be there to pick up your order you will need to find someone to pick up your order for you.  I do NOT have the space to keep your hoagies for you.