Scouting for Food Update

Thank you so much to all those who participated in our pack’s Scouting for Food collection! The pack collected 8 boxes of food and baby diapers totaling 140 pounds of donations for the Bridgeville Area Community Food Bank. This made for a great help to our community.

Flag retirement – May 24

We need scouts to help our community retire flags that are old, worn, or otherwise ready to be retired from service. This is one way that Pack 843 helps out in the community!  Please join us for the ceremony, during which we will honor and burn the flags being retired.

Wednesday May 24 at 6:30pm, Fairview Park, Lafayette Pavilion

We’ll be running this in shifts, starting at 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30, so come as you are able and not everyone will be expected to stay for the whole time. Leaders will also be on hand to help scouts work on any requirements or skills that are still needed to earn their rank.

May Pack Meeting – Picnic!

Join us for a picnic to wrap up the year and celebrate our scouts’ accomplishments! We’ll be having our May Pack Meeting at the Rotary Pavilion in Fairview Park on May 21 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. We’ll have advancements for the scouts then we’ll be having a cook out, with hot dogs and hamburgers and we ask that you sign up to bring everything else we need to round out the meal. We’ll have some games to play too! Let’s get outside and have some fun, wrapping up a year of hard work!

The pack will have water jugs as well, so bring your water bottles! 

Lions – hot dog and hamburger buns/chips

Tigers – desserts

Wolves – sides

Bears – salads

Webelos – salads

Please use the sign up link here to mark what you are bringing :

District Cubmobile Races!

Come join your friends in Pack 843 as we race against other cub scout packs in the area!  The race is on Saturday May 13 from 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM. Races include a downhill/gravity race, a slalom, a circular track with scouts pushing each other, and a distance push!  We have 2 Cubmobiles  and will bring as many scouts as want to attend, but we do need a team to be able to participate!  All riders need to wear shoes and a helmet, so bring your bike helmet! See a leader with any questions and sign up on the pack website at

Registration closes May 5.

April Pack meeting – Bike Rally and Scouting for food

For our pack meeting this month, we’ll be meeting at the Hendersonville Pavilion at Hendersonville Park On April 23rd at 1:30 PM. Please see the location here:

The pack meeting will start at 2:00, but we’ll gather early to gather everyone’s food they collected for Scouting for Food. The pack meeting will have our usual announcements, advancements that the scouts have earned, then we’ll talk about bicycle safety, and then go for a ride on the nearby Montour Trail! Please make sure to bring water for the ride and if you want it afterward. After we all get back from our ride, the pack will provide an ice cream treat for everyone, so please sign up to let us know how much to get! Hope to see you there!

Click here to sign up!

Please also see this flyer on the food we can collect for the Scouting for Food project. We’ll collect shelf-stable food for our local community food bank.

March Pack Meeting

We hope to see everybody this Friday at 6:30 in the South Fayette Elementary School gym for our March pack meeting. We’ll have awards as well as a fun Science/STEM demonstration. See you there!

US Flag retirement

Thank you to those who came out and helped retire US flags this past Sunday. We did a big service to our community by making sure old flags were disposed of respectfully. Thanks for coming out and braving the cold with us!

Pack Family Campouts 2023

We have scheduled our three Pack Family Campouts, so save these dates:
June 9-11, 2023 at Raccoon Creek State Park Sioux B Campsite
August 18-20, 2023 at Tomlinson Run State Park Campground
September 8-10, 2023 at Raccoon Creek State Park Sioux B Campsite

Raccoon Creek State Park Sioux B Camping site is about 35 minutes from South Fayette. It is a primitive camping site with vault toilets and water nearby. There is plenty of room for families to set up tents and for the Scouts to play in the group tenting area. The weekend activities will include a one mile hike, fishing, swimming and kayaking for both of these trips to Raccoon State Park.

Tomlinson Run State Park Campground is in the northern tip of West Virginia and is about 50 minutes from South Fayette. We will be in the general campground with potable water, restroom and showers within walking distance. The highlight of this trip will be swimming at the state park pool and fishing on the lake. For this trip we have booked three to four non-electric sites which can accommodate six to eight tenting families, so sign up ASAP to guarantee your family’s spot.

For all trips your family can join us for one night or both. If you are unable to camp overnight, please feel free to join us by 10AM on Saturday for morning activities, a hike, time spent at the lake in the afternoon and cooking our own dinner over the campfire or in a Dutch oven. Don’t let a lack of tenting equipment keep you out of the fun… many of us have plenty of equipment to share.

Our typical schedule looks something like this:
Friday after 4PM– arrive at camp, set up tents, families cook their dinners, kids play and parents hang out by the campfire. Lights out by 10PM for the kiddos.

Saturday morning– families cook their breakfasts, kids play
Saturday 10AM to 12PM – activities and hike
Saturday 12PM to 1PM – families prepare lunch
Saturday 1PM to 4PM – activities at the lake or pool
Saturday 4PM to 7PM – Scouts and families prepare tinfoil meals (Pack provides)
Saturday 7PM to 9:30PM – Scouts play and hang out by the fire
Saturday 10PM – Lights out for the kiddos

Sunday morning– families cook their breakfasts, kids play
We have the campsites until 3PM on Sunday. Families can choose to enjoy the amenities at the State Parks, including fishing, swimming and boating. Families choose when they would like to pack down their tents and head home.

All families will bring their own food and prepare their own meals, with the exception of the dinner on Saturday. We will have tin foil pockets for dinner that evening which adult leaders will assist the Scouts in preparing in a sanitary manner. There will be a $5/person or $20/family charge for this dinner meal. Exact payment expected at the campsite.

Pre-registration is required even if you are just joining us for the day.
Signup sheets for all trips can be accessed here:
The sign up sheets for all trips will close five days prior to each event.