On your mark, get set… race! Pinewood Derby Weigh-in Tonight – Derby Races are Saturday

Reminder that Pinewood Derby car weigh-ins are tonight at Crossroads Church located at 1120 Boyce Rd, Upper St Clair, PA 15241.  We will NOT have an awards ceremony at this Pack meeting since we will not have all ranks present at the same time. On Saturday we will have information and sign-up sheets for February Pack meeting (Blue & Gold Banquet), Resident Camp (summer camping adventure) and Pittsburgh Pirate game (June 2020).

Weigh-in times for ALL DENS are from 6pm – 8pm. ALL CARS MUST be at weigh-in this evening. If you have any questions, please contact your Den Leader or Cubmaster.

Actual races are on Saturday, 2/1 at Crossroads Church. Race times on Saturday are as follows:

  • 8:45 AM Webelos II Arrow of Light (Fifth Grade)
  • 9:45 AM Webelos I (Fourth Grade)
  • 10:45 AM Bears (Third Grade)
  • 11:45 PM Wolves (Second Grade)
  • 12:45 PM Tigers (First Grade)
  • 1:45 PM Lions (Kindergarten)
  • 2:45 PM Winner Race (If you place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your rank then you are eligible to race in the Winner Race.)

February Pack Meeting-Blue & Gold Banquet on Sunday, 2/23.

Our February Pack meeting is our Annual Blue & Gold Banquet. This event is at the Fairview Firehall (Sunset Room) on Sunday, February 2/23 from 3:00 – 6:00pm. The Pack meeting will start with our Opening Ceremony with the Award Ceremony for all Dens. Buffet dinner and cake contest to follow. After dinner we will have our Arrow of Light Ceremony for our AOL Scouts and our Crossover Ceremony for our AOL scouts crossing over to a Troop. Please print this: Blue & Gold RSVP sheet. Fill out the bottom of the sheet and mail it in to the address on the sheet or drop it off at any Pack 843 event ON or BEFORE February 10th.

This year we have 13 scouts crossing over to 5 different Troops. This is a great event where the younger scouts learn about the Arrow of Light Award and have exposure to local area Troops. I encourage all scouts and families to join us for this event. Since there is a buffet dinner, there is a cost for this event which can be paid by cash, check or your scout account.

We are also looking for Scouts to enter a homemade scout related cake for our cake contest. You can google Blue & Gold cakes for ideas. Reminder that all items in and on the cake have to be edible. Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

REMEMBER – You will need to fill out and return the RSVP by Wednesday, February 10th.

Few Reminders, Updates and Dates to put on your calendar for Scout Events


  • Hoagie sales are due TODAY. If you have an order and cannot be at the school between 6:30 – 7:00pm to drop off your 1 page with totals by hoagie type along with your check, please contact Karen at 412-780-9757.
  • Den meetings are tonight unless otherwise communicated by your den leader.
  • Pinewood Derby weigh-in is scheduled for 1/31. Derby races are Saturday, Feb 1st. Please scroll down on the web page to see times for your race. Click here for PINEWOOD DERBY RULES DOCUMENT


  • Popcorn prizes are still in process. Trail’s End is trying to fix the computer issue for Packs that are not able to submit prizes (ours being one of the Packs). I have been calling weekly trying to get this issue resolved. I will let you know as soon as we are able to submit prizes.

Future Dates to put on your calendar:

Pinewood Derby Race for 1st & 2nd place for each Rank/ Mall Show – March 7, 2020
Spring Camporee – April 3-5, 2020 (Option for Webelos only)
Cubmobile Races– May 2, 2020
IOLS Training (@Beaver District) – May 1-3, 2020
BALOO Training (@Frontier District, with Beaver District) – May 8-9, 2020
Program Launch – June 4, 2020
Day Camp – June 25-27, 2020
Fall Camporee – October 2-4, 2020 (for AOL scouts)

Hoagie Orders due NEXT Wednesday

All hoagie order and money for orders are due next Wednesday.  Caterina will be at the intermediate school for the older scout parents 6:15pm – 700pm to collect orders and money. Karen will be at the elementary school from 6:30pm – 7:00pm to collect orders and money. Thank you.

Hoagie sale order forms links are listed below. Hoagies will be delivered to the Elementary School on Wednesday, February 5th and can be picked up after your den meeting.

Pinewood Derby Weigh-in and Race times

In our previous announcment you were informed that the Pinewood Derby Race has been reschedule to 2/1. The race location is Crossroads Church on Boyce Road. Derby Car weigh-in is on 1/31, the evening before the race, from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Your car MUST be presented and entered for the race on FRIDAY, 1/31, during weigh-in. If you are unable to be there for the weigh-in, please ask another parent in your den to bring your car to weigh-in. Cars NOT presented at weigh-in on 1/31 will NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO RACE in the Derby. Once the car has passed the requirements for the race you will not be able to touch your car until the race. ALL modifications and changes MUST be done before we enter your car into the computer for the race on Friday night.

Race times on Saturday are as follows:

  • 8:45 AM Webelos II Arrow of Light (Fifth Grade)
  • 9:45 AM Webelos I (Fourth Grade)
  • 10:45 AM Bears (Third Grade)
  • 11:45 PM Wolves (Second Grade)
  • 12:45 PM Tigers (First Grade)
  • 1:45 PM Lions (Kindergarten)
  • 2:45 PM Winner Race (If you place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in your rank then you are eligible to race in the Winner Race.)

Pinewood Derby Change in Date

Apologies to all of you but we have heard from Crossroads Church and the date will need to be moved to 2/1 for the Derby race. Which means we will be moving the weigh-in date to evening of 1/31. We thought we had the our choice of the last two weekends of this month but were not able to secure the church location until 1/31 & 2/1. I will have cars available at the elementary school this evening if you have not picked up your car yet. Specific times for race will be sent shortly.

Pinewood Derby postponed & other announcements!

Pinewood Derby is postponed and tentatively planned for January 24-25 pending confirmation of the venue’s availability. This year the venue has changed to Crossroads Church 1120 Boyce Rd, Upper St Clair, PA 15241. Derby setup will remain unchanged from years prior with weigh-in Friday night and racing on Saturday, expect more information and confirmation of date later this week.

Den Meetings begin again this week. Unless your den leader has communicated a different meeting time/location, plan on Wednesday 6:30 at your respective South Fayette school.

Reminder that Hoagie sales are ongoing for those looking for a way to earn money for their scout accounts. Orders must be placed by the Wednesday, January 22 meeting. To print forms, see December 19th email or contact Caterina Massimino @ wmassiminobsa@yahoo.com or 412-498-5540. Any orders must be picked up at the Feb 5th den meeting at the elementary school.

Reminders: Caroling tonight at Country Meadows & Hoagie fundraiser has started

Caroling will be on THURSDAY, December 19th at Country Meadows – Please be there at 6:30pm.  We only have a few signed up. It would be great if we could get a few more scouts! please click here to sign-up

Hoagie sale order forms are now available (listed below) I will have them at Country Meadows this evening. Orders forms can be turn in at the Pinewood Derby weigh-in on Friday, January 17th, or at the Elementary School (cubmaster desk) during your Den meeting on Wednesday, January 22nd. Hoagies will be delivered to the Elementary School on Wednesday, February 5th.

Pack Meeting (Holiday Party) Today

Reminder – Holiday Party Pack meeting is from 3:00 – 6:00pm today at South Fayette INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Cafeteria. We are also finalizing our Re-Charter paperwork tonight. IF you haven’t paid your dues for 2020, you will have 1 last chance during today’s Holiday Party. After tonight, if you wish to continue with scouts and you haven’t paid your dues, you will need to fill out another application and pay dues before attending any scout activities in 2020. Hope to see you at the party!

Also, you should all be working on your Pinewood Derby Cars. Race Day will be here in about a month!

3 Important Announcements for DECEMBER! Dues, Pack Meeting and Caroling….

If you have not yet paid your dues for 2020, please contact your Den leader.  We are working on the recharter documents this week.  Failure to pay dues before we file our paperwork will result in your scout being dropped from our roster during the recharter process. At that point, in order to continue after we file our documents, you will need to fill out another application and pay dues for 2020.

December Pack meeting is on Sunday, 12/15 from 3:00 – 6:00pm at the INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Cafeteria.  Please click here to sign up. Scouts are asked to bring the following:

  • Lions/Tigers – side dishes- salads, beans, potato salad, pasta, noodles, rice, veggie tray etc 
  • Wolves/Bears- snacks- assorted, assorted chips, dips, cubed cheese, pretzels, sliced summer sausage, buffalo chicken dip, etc 
  • Webelos/AOL- desserts- cupcakes, cookies, candy, fruit, chocolates, etc 

Caroling will be on THURSDAY, December 19th at Country Meadows.  However, Dens 12 & 14 will have a different night and different location (please see email from Den Leaders).  Country Meadow can only have 20 scouts so please click here to sign-up.  We are still working on another location for caroling.  If you have any ideas, please text Karen at 412-780-9757.  There will be no regular scheduled Den meetings on Wednesday, 12/18.