Summer Day Camp

Hello Pack 843!
Information about Summer Day Camp was sent out earlier this year with information for scout family camp.  Day Camp is a great addition or alternative to family camp depending on your availability.   This year the theme is Rainforest.
Some FAQ answers:

1. This is not a drop off camp- this means that a responsible adult must stay with the scout.

2. Both scouts and siblings can come to the camp and participate- siblings can also come as a nonparticipant. 

3. There are both Day Camps and “Twilight” Camps if it works better with your schedule.    

Near us there is a day camp: Settlers Cabin Park
Tuesday 06-29-2021 to Thursday 07-01-2021

and a Twilight Camp at Cecil Park
Generations Room at Cecil Park
Monday 08-02-2021 to Wednesday 08-04-2021

Other Dates are available at South Park, North Park and Camp Guysauta

4. Payment and Registration- you can do this all online!
Follow the link below
a. Costs are in the center of the page.
b. on the right hand side is a list of all the sites and times available.
c. Early Bird Deadline is 4/15/2021.

5.  No food served at camp.  Everyone will bring their own lunches.

6. All adults will also need to present proof of completion of BSA Youth Protection Training as well as provide current PA State Police Background Check, PA Childline Clearance, and either the PA volunteer affidavit for those who have lived in the state for more than 10 years, or the FBI clearance for those who have lived out of state.
Information on obtaining these clearances can be found at this website:

If you have any additional questions please contact Susan Lewandowski 

Scouting for Food

Each Scout in Pack 843 is encouraged to participate in this year’s Scouting for Food and Chow Wagon event by asking at least two friends or neighbors to contribute to this collection.

Items will be collected at 12:30 PM on April 18th prior to April Pack Meeting.
This event will be held at Hendersonville Park on Henderson Drive in Cecil Township.

If you have questions about Scout for Food, please contact Deb Whitewood, Assistant Cubmaster, at

April Pack Meeting & Bike Rally

Join us for the Pack 843 Bike Rally on April 18th! We will meet from 1-3PM at the Hendersonville Park & Pavilion on Henderson Drive in Cecil Township.

The event will open with a brief Advancement Ceremony, then we will learn some basic bike safety and maintenance skills. Finally, we will have a short ride on the Montour Trail for those scouts who are interested. Scouts should come prepared with their bike ready to ride and wearing a helmet. Parents and guardians are encouraged to participate in this ride, also wearing a helmet. Scouts who do not feel comfortable or ready for the trail will have the option of remaining at the Pavilion to practice riding there.

Scouts will be divided into three groups for the ride, beginner, intermediate and advanced. Each group will be supervised by Den Leaders and parents, maintaining two deep leadership at all times. The groups will ride out for a certain time frame, then turn around and return to the Hendersonville Pavilion.

If you do not have a bike, contact Janet Spink at as we may be able to provide you with a loaner bike.

Scouts should bring:
*backpack with the six essential items

Summer Day Camp

Join us on Expedition Rainforest!

Cub Scout Day Camp is three days of fun, exciting program activities and adventures at Settler’s Cabin Park held on June 29 & 30 and July 1. It is an introductory outdoor program for Cub Scouts and Webelos with little camping experience. Programs are run by highly trained volunteers and are inspected and accredited annually by the Laurel Highlands Council.

2021 Costs Paid in full by4/15/2021Paid in full by5/14/2021Paid in full by5/15/2021 or after

Please see this link for more information:

In order to avoid late fees, unit payments must be received at one of the council service centers by the payment dates listed above.  

Cub and Webelos Scouts- Family Resident Camping at Camp Independence

The early bird deadline is fast approaching for summer camp!

                       CUB AND WEBELOS SCOUT PACK CAMP 2021
Cub and Webelos Scout Resident Camp is the ultimate Cub Scout camping experience! Scouts, the leaders, and parents/guardians stay overnight for three days at ‪Laurel Highlands Council’s Cub Scout Resident Camp – Camp Independence at Heritage Reservation. Activities include many of the favorites from day camp like BB guns, archery, swimming, fishing, boating, campfires, climbing, and more.

And Webelos Scouts get to do even more! There is an option for Webelos Scouts to arrive on Thursday, July 29th for an extra day of Webelos specific programs. In the past, the extra day has included BMX biking, and extra time wall climbing, shooting pellet guns, boating and fishing.

3 Day Camp Friday-Sunday
Cub Scouts/Webelos – ‪July 30-Aug 2, 2021‬
Early bird special pricing paid on or ‪before April 1st 2021‬ $286

4 Day Camp ‪Thursday-Sunday‬
Webelos – ‪July ‬29-Aug 2nd, 2021
Early bird pricing paid on or ‪before ‬April 1st, 2021 $380

–The price of camp includes Scout with 1 adult, all meals and camp learning materials. They have tents on platforms with cots available, but you are welcome to bring your own tent.

–More than one parent may attend resident camp for an additional cost, or parents may swap during the stay. But, both parents MUST have paperwork and clearances turned in prior to the first day of camp. If both parents want to attend, the fee for an extra adult is as follows:
Cub Scout 3 night camp – July 30-Aug 2nd, 2021
Early bird price before April 1st $88
Webelos 4 night camp- July 29-August 2nd, 2021
Early bird price before April 1st $117
You may use your scout account to pay the full or partial cost of camp.

If you are interested in attending CUB AND WEBELOS SCOUT PACK CAMP 2021with Pack 843, contact Deekota Yadav at

Frank Reese and Landon Whitewood

Pack Meeting – March 21st

The pack will gather at the Fairview ENTRANCE Pavilion from 1-3PM on Sunday, March 21st to explore geocaching. Scouts will also receive advancements and awards at this time.

Geocaching  is an outdoor recreational activity, in which participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called “geocaches” or “caches”, at specific locations marked by coordinates all over the world.

We hope to see you there!

Pinewood Derby Results

Blue & Gold Banquet – AOL Crossover

Our February Pack meeting is our Annual Blue & Gold Banquet. This event is at the Fairview Firehall (Sunset Room) on Sunday, February 28th from 3:00 – 6:00pm. The Pack meeting will start with our Opening Ceremony with the Award Ceremony for all Dens. Buffet dinner to follow. After dinner we will have our Arrow of Light Ceremony for our AOL Scouts and our Crossover Ceremony for our AOL scouts crossing over to a Troop. Please print this :Blue & Gold RSVP sheet. Fill out the bottom of the sheet and mail it in to the address on the sheet ON or BEFORE February 18th.

This year we have 8 scouts crossing over to 3 different Troops. This is a great event where the younger scouts learn about the Arrow of Light Award and have exposure to local area Troops. I encourage all scouts and families to join us for this event. Since there is a buffet dinner, there is a cost for this event which can be paid by cash, check (made out to Pack 843) or your scout account. If you have any questions, please reach out to your den leader.

Due to Covid-19, we will be distancing as much as possible and ask all scouts and families to remain seated as much as possible. Masks must be worn unless actively eating or drinking. Also, this year we will NOT be having our normal cake decorating contest.

REMEMBER – You will need to fill out and return the RSVP by Wednesday, February 18th.

Pinewood Derby Schedule

Race Day Schedule – January 23, 2021

9:00 AM         AOL (Fifth Grade)

9:50 AM         Webelo I (Fourth Grade)

10:40 AM       Bear (Third Grade)

11:30 AM       Wolf (Second Grade)

 1:00 PM        Tiger (Second Grade)

 1:30 PM        Lion (Kindergarten))

 2:30 PM        Winner Races

** Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your race time.

** Due to concerns regarding COVID-19, Scouts do not have to be present on Race Day or Weigh-In.

Weigh in will occur from 6:30-8:00PM on Friday, January 22nd.
LOCATION: Crossroads Church 1120 Boyce Road Upper St. Clair, PA 15241

If you have any questions/concerns regarding the Pinewood Derby, please contact Deb Whitewood at

Pinewood Derby

Pack 843 Pinewood Derby will be held on Saturday, January 23rd at Crossroad Church on Boyce Road across from Ardolino’s Pizzeria. Weigh in will occur on Friday, January 22nd from 6:30 – 8:00 PM.
You will be required to leave your car for the races on Saturday. Races on Saturday will be by rank so we have small groups in the church. Masks must be worn at all times. Also new this year, a team of parent volunteers will be handling the cars between races. We are asking for all scouts to sign-up in advance so we can create a schedule that will allow enough time between ranks to wipe down common areas. Please sign up here prior to January 21st.

** if you still need your Pinewood Derby car, contact Karen Billingham at

Pinewood Derby Rules and Schedule