Pack 843’s Pinewood Derby will be held on Saturday, January 25 at The Table Church, 1120 Boyce Rd. in Upper St. Clair. Please see the schedule below for your Scout’s race time. Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before your race time. The race schedule will be as follows:
9:00 AM AOL (Fifth Grade)
9:30 AM WEBELO (Fourth Grade)
10:00 AM Bear (Third Grade)
10:30 AM Wolf (Second Grade)
12:15 PM Lions & Tiger (Kindergarten & First Grade)
12:45 PM Winner Race – Championships

Weigh in will occur Friday, January 24 from 6:30-8 PM. Bring your completed car to be weighed and make sure they are in accordance with the rules, be dropped off, and officially entered in the race roster. If you are not available at that date and time, please make arrangements with another scout to bring your car. All cars must be at the weigh-in in order to race!
Information about the rules and regulations for the Pinewood Derby can be found here: pinewood_derby_rules_2025

To help prepare for this event, we are hosting a build night at the Oakdale Community Center on January 15th from 6 – 8:00 PM. We will communicate how the Pinewood Derby runs, discuss the rules, and help you transform your block of wood to the car of your dreams.
To add to the excitement on race day, we will have four awards for each rank:
Scouts are encouraged to release their creative juices while building and decorating their cars!

The Oakdale Community Center is located at: 104 Seminary Ave. Oakdale PA 15071 https://maps.app.goo.gl/TBvF8cejb9VQyuyw8
Feel free to reach out to Cubmaster Jon Spink at jon.spink@gmail.com with any questions regarding the Pinewood Derby race or this build night.