Pinewood Derby 2023

Pack 843 Pinewood Derby will be held on Saturday, January 21st at Crossroad Church, 1120 Boyce Road in Upper St. Clair. Please see the schedule below for your Scout’s race time. Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before your race time.

9:00 AM AOL (Fifth Grade)
9:50 AM Webelo I (Fourth Grade)
10:20 AM Bear (Third Grade)
11:10 AM Wolf (Second Grade)
1:05 PM Tiger (Second Grade)
2:05 PM Lion (Kindergarten))
3:00 PM Winner Race

Weigh in will occur on Friday, January 20th from 6:30 – 8:00 PM at the church.
You will be required to leave your car for the races on Saturday. All cars MUST BE AT THE WEIGH-IN in order to race!  If you are not available at that date and time, please make arrangements with another scout to bring your car to the weigh in.

Information about the rules and regulations for the Pinewood Derby can be found here:

Our final Pinewood Derby car build night will be held on Wednesday, January 11th at the Whitewood home from 6:30-8PM. More information can be found here:

If you have any questions regarding the Pinewood Derby, please contact Cubmaster Jon Sperry at

Last Pinewood Derby Build Night

Pack 843 will host its final Pinewood Derby car build night on Wednesday, January 11th. Please note the location change for this event as it is being held at the Whitewood Home from 6:30-8:00PM. Address is 173 Greenwood Drive, Bridgeville PA 15017. Please park only on one side of the street to allow emergency vehicles to pass if needed and do not park on the grass.

Please bring your Pinewood Derby car and any accessories that you have purchased for your car, ie weights.

Please note that in addition to awards for the fastest car in each rank, we will also have several other awards. So, get your creative juices flowing if you’d like to join us in this friendly competition for the best car in the following categories:

  • Most Creative
  • Most Scout Spirit
  • Best Decorated
  • Best Themed

The Scout Leadership team will judge each category for the den levels, and awards will be presented at the end of each rank’s races.

For more information please view the Pinewood Derby rules and regulations here:

If you have any questions about this build event, please contact Cubmaster Jon Sperry at

Blue & Gold Banquet

Our February Pack meeting is our Annual Blue & Gold Banquet. This event will be held at the Fairview Firehall (Sunset Room) on Sunday, February 19th from 3-6PM. The Pack meeting will start with our Opening Ceremony and Advancements for all Dens. Buffet dinner to follow. After dinner we will have the Arrow of Light Ceremony for our AOL Scouts followed by the Crossover Ceremony for our AOL scouts crossing over to a Troop. Please print this form: Fill out the bottom of the sheet and mail it, with payment, to the address on the sheet ON or BEFORE February 10th, or give it to Deb Whitewood, Jon Spink or Jon Sperry by February 12th.

This year we have eleven scouts crossing over to local Troops. This is a great event where the younger scouts learn about the Arrow of Light award and have exposure to local Troops. We encourage all scouts and families to join us for this event. Since there is a buffet dinner, there is a cost for this event which can be paid by cash, check (made out to Pack 843) or your scout account. If you have any questions, please email Deb Whitewood at

Holiday Party

Thank you to all who attended the Pack Holiday Party on Friday. The food was delicious, the Scouts had fun playing games, and we made over 40 cards for nursing home residents. All of the Scouts were proud to receive their adventure loops and pins. Landon W. was presented with the Dr. Townes Supernova Award. The Cub Scout Supernova award recognizes superior achievement by a Cub Scout in the fields of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Cub Scout Caroling on December 21st

Pack 843 will be caroling at Celebration Villas of Lakemont Farms on December 21, 2022. We will gather at Celebration Villas at 6:15PM, and begin caroling at 6:30PM, so please be prompt. We will sing some of the resident’s favorite songs such as Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Away in the Manger, Deck the Halls, and of course, Silent Night. Song books will be available for the Scouts who need them.

Please only attend if all in your family are feeling well and without cold symptoms as we wouldn’t want to give a resident a cold or infection. Scouts who attend will receive one hour of community service. Please sign up by Monday, December 19th to let us know how many Scouts will be attending.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Deb Whitewood at

Pinewood Derby Themed Categories

The Pinewood Derby is fast approaching! The Pack leadership has decided to spice things up a little this year with some new categories. Sure, we’ll have the traditional awards for fastest cars, but how about an award for the car that shows the most Scout Spirit, or the one that is the best decorated?

So, get your creative juices flowing if you’d like to join us in this friendly competition for the best car in the following categories:

  • Most Creative
  • Most Scout Spirit
  • Best Decorated
  • Best Themed

The Scout Leadership team will judge each category for the den levels, and awards will be presented at the end of each rank’s races.

Pack Holiday Party

Our Holiday Party (December Pack Meeting) is on Friday, December 9th.  We will have crafts, games and food. As always, this Pack meeting is open for all family members of the Scout. The Pack will provide a main entree and water jugs, so bring your refillable drink bottles as any good Scout would do. Families are asked to bring a food dish to share, hot or cold, that is a family favorite or cultural dish.

The event starts at 6:30 PM at South Fayette Intermediate School Cafeteria.  If you are planning to attend, please click here to sign up with the number of family members attending and what dish you would like to bring. Signups must be completed by December 7th.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Deb Whitewood at

Scout Skits

The Scouts of Pack 843 had tons of fun presenting den skits for family, friends and fellow Scouts. The Arrow of Light Scouts did a great job leading the show and presenting their jokes, riddles and one-liners.