Cub Scout reminders

Being the third Wednesday of the month we will be having our den meetings at the school at 6:30pm (elementary school for K-2nd grade or intermediate school for 3rd-5th grade) unless told otherwise by your den leader.

Friday September 20th is the first pack meeting of the school year. It will be at Cecil Park at the large pavilion near the tennis courts starting at 7pm. We will start with opening ceremony followed by awards ceremony. We will also have popcorn tasting and meet the new scouts. Scouts should come in uniform.

Popcorn update: We have had several show-n-sells so far and will soon be posting another sign-up. If you have ideas for new locations, please let the Cubmaster know. We are also looking for individuals to organize show-n-deliver sales in neighborhoods for scouts to do wagon sales on a Saturday morning.