We had a terrific PInewood Derby on January 25th. There were some very fast cars racing and the creativity was evident as we had Scout Spirit cars, lunar landers, rockets, and surfing cars. Sponge Bob, Minecraft, Flower Power and pickle cars were flying down the track too!

The winners of each rank are below. These Scouts are invited to attend the Frontier District Pinewood Derby on March 1st at the Robinson Mall. Information will be communicated to the families of Scouts eligible to participate in this derby. All Scout families are invited to come and watch the derby which runs from 10:30AM to 4:30PM on March 1st.
Arrow of Light
1. Oliviya V.
2. Aghanya S.
3. Caden W.
1. Owen G.
2. Nathan H.
3. Luke B.
1. Brycen C.
2. Owen R.
3. Jedi A.
1. Lincoln H.
2. Raphael Z.
3. Adhrit S.
1. Lucy M.
2. Joe K.
3. Tair S.
1. Anderson H.
2. Kellen S.

Our overall Pack winners were:
First Place – Lucy M. a Tiger Scout
Second Place – Owen G. a Webelo Scout
Third Place – Lincoln H. a Wolf Scout

Thanks to all the parent and Scout volunteers who helped to make this event such a success!