Pack 843 will host its final Pinewood Derby car build night on Wednesday, January 11th. Please note the location change for this event as it is being held at the Whitewood Home from 6:30-8:00PM. Address is 173 Greenwood Drive, Bridgeville PA 15017. Please park only on one side of the street to allow emergency vehicles to pass if needed and do not park on the grass.
Please bring your Pinewood Derby car and any accessories that you have purchased for your car, ie weights.
Please note that in addition to awards for the fastest car in each rank, we will also have several other awards. So, get your creative juices flowing if you’d like to join us in this friendly competition for the best car in the following categories:
- Most Creative
- Most Scout Spirit
- Best Decorated
- Best Themed
The Scout Leadership team will judge each category for the den levels, and awards will be presented at the end of each rank’s races.
For more information please view the Pinewood Derby rules and regulations here: http://pack843.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/pinewood_derby_rules_2023.pdf
If you have any questions about this build event, please contact Cubmaster Jon Sperry at jdsperry2001@gmail.com