The official Pack rules for the 2022 Pinewood Derby have now been posted. The Derby will be held on Saturday, January 22nd. Please follow this link to view the rules: http://pack843.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/pinewood_derby_rules_2022-2.pdf
You are required to use official BSA wheels and the supplied axle nails. You car cannot exceed 5 ounces, or the dimensions posted in the rules.
Weigh-in for the cars will be held on Friday, January 21st from 6:30PM to 8PM. All cars MUST BE AT THE WEIGH-IN in order to race! If you are not available at that date and time, please make arrangements with another scout to bring your car to the weigh in.
The tentative schedule is as follows:
9:00 AM AOL (Fifth Grade)
9:50 AM Webelos (Fourth Grade)
10:40 AM Bears (Third Grade)
11:30 AM Wolf (Second Grade)
1:00 PM Tiger (First Grade)
1:30 PM Lion (Kindergarten)
2:30 PM Winners Race
If you have questions about the Pinewood Derby, please contact Cubmaster Jon Sperry at jdsperry2001@gmail.com