People, Vans, Trucks and Large Vehicles for Popcorn Pickup and Sorting

Due to a GREAT Fundraiser, we are in need of five (5) large vehicles (vans, pickup trucks, trailers, large SUVs) to help us pickup our popcorn  – I need to make sure we have enough vehicles and sorters so please sign-up under sign-up sheets.

WHENSaturday, November 5th. at 8:45am

WHERE: Gordon Terminal Service located at 100 Agnes Street, McKees Rocks, PA 15136 – directly under the McKees Rocks Bridge.

NEEDPick-up Popcorn and deliver to Fairview Fire Hall

Also NEEDSorters (at the Fire Hall) to sort popcorn and prizes by Scout.  We expect to be finished sorting popcorn by noon.