Hello Scouts! The 2014-2015 Scouting year is about to begin! The new calendar is loaded on the website, and the whole thing can be downloaded as a PDF file.
Here are a few important dates to get started:
- Wednesday, September 3rd will the the first Den Meetings, at the South Fayette Elementary School. Starting time is determined by den, usually 6:30 or 7:00.
- Tuesday, September 9th the Cubmaster will be at the Elementary School to talk to boys about becoming scouts.
- Wednesday, September 10th will be a sign-up night for new scouts, at the Elementary School at 7:00 PM.
- Friday, September 19th will be our first Pack Meeting, at the Zion Lutheran Church at 7:00.
We are also ready to kick off the Popcorn Season! This is a chance for scouts to raise money for dues, scouting events, uniforms and equipment. The easiest way to do this is through Popcorn Show-n-Sells, and the first Show-n-Sell dates of the year will be August 30 and 31st. Please go to the new Sign-up! page of the website to register for the time slot(s) that your scout would like to work. Don’t let this opportunity pass!
More information about the popcorn sales (and the great stuff you can win) will be coming SOON!