April 2025 Pack Meeting – Bike Rally and Scouting for Food

For our pack meeting this month, we’ll be meeting at the Hendersonville Pavilion at Hendersonville Park On April 27th at 1:30 PM. Please see the location here:


The pack meeting will start at 1:30, but we’ll gather early to gather everyone’s food they collected for Scouting for Food. The pack meeting will have our usual announcements, advancements that the scouts have earned, then a discussion about bicycle safety, and then go for a ride on the nearby Montour Trail! Please make sure to bring water for the ride and if you want it afterward. After we all get back from our ride, the pack will provide an ice cream treat for everyone, so please sign up to let us know how much to get! Hope to see you there!

Please sign up here: https://pack843.org/sign-ups/?sheet_id=232

Here’s more information on the Scouting for Food collection:

Frontier & Beaver Valley Districts Annual Cubmobile Derby

Come join your friends in Pack 843 as we race against other cub scout packs in the area!  The race is on Saturday May 10 from 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM at the Settlers’ Cabin Wave Pool parking lot (https://maps.app.goo.gl/g3HZGMdXSLruB3VL6). Races include a downhill/gravity race, a slalom, a circular track with scouts pushing each other, and a distance push!  We have 2 Cubmobiles and will bring as many scouts as want to attend, but we do need a team to be able to participate!  All riders need to wear shoes and a helmet, so bring your bike helmet! Ask a leader for more information. Please see this page on the council page for more information and to sign up.

Please also sign up on the pack website at https://pack843.org/sign-ups/?sheet_id=231

Summer Day Camp

Pack 843 Scouts are invited to attend Pioneer Days at the Laurel Highland’s Summer Day Camps. The closest one to South Fayette is at Settler’s Cabin Park on June 11-13, but Scouts are able to attend any day camp that fits their schedule. Day Camp is an introductory outdoor program for Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos with little camping experience. Programs are run by highly trained volunteers and are inspected and accredited annually by the Laurel Highlands Council. Adult leadership is required.

For more information follow this link: https://scoutingevent.com/527-2025CSDayCamp

Partial scholarships are available for Scouts attending Summer Day Camp, and for sibling groups. Please contact Deb Whitewood at whitewoodd@msn.com for more information.

Arrow of Light Scouts Crossover to their new troops.

It was quite an emotional afternoon as five Arrow of Light Scouts crossed over to their new troops on February 23. These Scouts left behind fond memories of their times as a Cub Scout and embarked on a new journey into Scouts BSA.

Oliviya and Aghanya are looking to further their Scouting journey with Troop 9248 based out of Oakdale. We look forward to seeing them in action at their new Troop’s annual Haunted Cabin in the fall! Oliviya and Aghanya were welcomed to the troop by Eagle Scout, Abby and Senior Patrol Leader, Shreya, both of whom were former members of Pack 843.

Caden, Hansi and Akbar enthuastically joined Troop 228 and are looking to gain plenty of camping and chess time with their new troop and patrol members. The boys were welcomed to the troop by Senior Patrol Leader, Augie, as well as Den Chiefs, Advait and Landon. Both Den Chiefs are former Pack 843 members.

Arrow of Light Scouts with their family members. Akbar, Caden, Hansi, Aghanya and Oliviya.
Den Chief, Advait, Cubmaster, Jon Spink, and outgoing Committee Chair, Karen Billingham, receive these Scout blankets to keep them warm on their camping trips.
Den Chief, Landon, receives his Den Chief cords from Committee Chair, Deb Whitewood.
Cub Scouts and their families peruse the Arrow of Light Scouts memorbelia.
Den Leader, Evan Wolfson, presents Committee Chair and Den Leader, Deb Whitewood, with a commerative belt buckle representing 115 years of Scouting.
They may now be full-fledged Scouts BSA, but to their Den Leaders, they will always be fondly remembered as the Phoenix Patrol! Den Leader, Evan Wolfson, Akbar, Hansi, Caden, Aghanya, Oliviya and Den Leader, Deb Whitewood.

March 2025 Pack Meeting

On March 15, we will meet for our March Pack Meeting at the Pittsburgh Botanical Gardens in Oakdale (https://maps.app.goo.gl/rwL1gL8egLaJsJq38) to do some Geocaching. Their staff will lead us on a discussion of using technology and a program of finding caches in their garden. We’ll start with recognizing our scouts’ advancements at 9:30 AM. Then, the guided program will start at 10:00 AM and run until 11:30 AM. To cover admission to the garden, the pack will cover costs for leaders, scouts are asked to pay $5.00 and parents/siblings $10.00. Please sign up on the website here and you can pay with a check (get it to your den leader) or via Zelle.

Please see the sign up page here: http://pack843.org/sign-ups/?sheet_id=230

Please contact Jon Spink with any questions about this opportunity or to pay at jon.spink@gmail.com

Summer Resident Camp 2025

Join our Pack July 11-13 at Laurel Highlands Council’s Camp Independence, for the ultimate Cub Scouting camping experience. Scouts, their leaders, and parents/guardians stay overnight two nights for three days at the camp, part of the council’s Heritage Reservation, nestled in the Laurel Highlands wilderness. The camp has many activities for the scouts to enjoy, like BB guns, archery, slingshots, climbing, hiking, swimming, fishing, boating, campfires, and more! For more information, see the council webpage for this event at: https://scoutingevent.com/527-2025CampIndependence

Camp is $275 for Scouts to spend three days and $120 for adults. Spots are still available! Please contact Jon Spink with any questions or if you’re interested at jon.spink@gmail.com


Camp is expensive, we understand! The costs, as outlined earlier, are $275 for youth and $120 for adults when registered and paid by April 1. In order to help, our pack is offering a $50 campership for those scouts attending summer camp for the first time. This means, if this is your first time going to summer camp, you’ll pay $225. We are also offering $30 off for siblings attending. If you have two kids going to camp, each will have $30 of their fee covered by the pack (and our council is offering the exact same discount for siblings.) Please let me know who is interested and we’ll figure out your total. Payment can be made to the pack with a check or by Zelle.

The camp has launched a new webpage for the camp facilities:

Please contact me, Jon Spink at jon.spink@gmail.com if you’re interested in attending the camp session. I’ll make sure you are registered with the pack’s slot – no need to register yourself!

Pinewood Derby 2025 Results

We had a terrific PInewood Derby on January 25th. There were some very fast cars racing and the creativity was evident as we had Scout Spirit cars, lunar landers, rockets, and surfing cars. Sponge Bob, Minecraft, Flower Power and pickle cars were flying down the track too!

The winners of each rank are below. These Scouts are invited to attend the Frontier District Pinewood Derby on March 1st at the Robinson Mall. Information will be communicated to the families of Scouts eligible to participate in this derby. All Scout families are invited to come and watch the derby which runs from 10:30AM to 4:30PM on March 1st.
Arrow of Light
1. Oliviya V.
2. Aghanya S.
3. Caden W.

1. Owen G.
2. Nathan H.
3. Luke B.

1. Brycen C.
2. Owen R.
3. Jedi A.

1. Lincoln H.
2. Raphael Z.
3. Adhrit S.

1. Lucy M.
2. Joe K.
3. Tair S.

1. Anderson H.
2. Kellen S.

Our overall Pack winners were:
First Place – Lucy M. a Tiger Scout
Second Place – Owen G. a Webelo Scout
Third Place – Lincoln H. a Wolf Scout

Thanks to all the parent and Scout volunteers who helped to make this event such a success!

Blue & Gold Banquet and AOL Crossover

Our February Pack meeting is our Annual Blue & Gold Banquet. This event will be held at the Fairview Firehall (Sunset Room) on Sunday, February 23rd from 3-6PM. The Pack meeting will start with our Opening Ceremony and Advancements for all Dens. Buffet dinner to follow. After dinner we will have the Arrow of Light Ceremony for our AOL Scouts followed by the Crossover Ceremony for our AOL scouts crossing over to a Troop.

Please refer to this form: http://pack843.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Blue-and-Gold-Announcement-2025.pdf

To purchase tickets, complete the reservation form at the bottom of the flyer and either return with a check for the proper amount made payable to “Pack 843” by mailing the form to:  Deb Whitewood 173 Greenwood Drive, Bridgeville PA 15017


Email Deb Whitewood at whitewoodD@msn.com with the NAME and RANK of your Scout, and the number of Arrow of Light Scouts, Adults, Cub Scout or Children under 2 years of age. THEN make a payment via ZELLE to the Pack 843 Account administrated by Matt Bizzack at 724-350-2846.

This year we have five scouts crossing over to local Troops. This is a great event where the younger scouts learn about the Arrow of Light award and have exposure to local Troops. We encourage all scouts and families to join us for this event. Since there is a buffet dinner, there is a cost for this event which can be paid by cash, check (made out to Pack 843) or your scout account. If you have any questions, please email Deb Whitewood at whitewoodd@msn.com

Pinewood Derby 2025

Pack 843’s Pinewood Derby will be held on Saturday, January 25 at The Table Church, 1120 Boyce Rd. in Upper St. Clair. Please see the schedule below for your Scout’s race time. Please plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before your race time. The race schedule will be as follows:

9:00 AM AOL (Fifth Grade)

9:30 AM WEBELO (Fourth Grade)

10:00 AM Bear (Third Grade)

10:30 AM Wolf (Second Grade)

12:15 PM Lions & Tiger (Kindergarten & First Grade)

12:45 PM Winner Race – Championships

Weigh in will occur Friday, January 24 from 6:30-8 PM. Bring your completed car to be weighed and make sure they are in accordance with the rules, be dropped off, and officially entered in the race roster.  If you are not available at that date and time, please make arrangements with another scout to bring your car. All cars must be at the weigh-in in order to race!

Information about the rules and regulations for the Pinewood Derby can be found here: pinewood_derby_rules_2025

To help prepare for this event, we are hosting a build night at the Oakdale Community Center on January 15th from 6 – 8:00 PM. We will communicate how the Pinewood Derby runs, discuss the rules, and help you transform your block of wood to the car of your dreams.

To add to the excitement on race day, we will have four awards for each rank:
Scouts are encouraged to release their creative juices while building and decorating their cars!

The Oakdale Community Center is located at: 104 Seminary Ave. Oakdale PA 15071 https://maps.app.goo.gl/TBvF8cejb9VQyuyw8

Feel free to reach out to Cubmaster Jon Spink at jon.spink@gmail.com with any questions regarding the Pinewood Derby race or this build night.